Carrington, Louisiana Hospital

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From William A. Carrington CSR (M331): Inspection report, dated 11/15/1862, of Louisiana Hospital.

Richmond Nov 15th 1862

Surgeon E. S. Gaillard Medl Director
                            I have the honour to report that I have this day inspected the Genl Hospital called "The Louisiana Hospital" situated between Broad & Franklin St. in the building owned by the Baptists College. It is rented by the association owning it (as a Hospital) to the La. Hospl Association at $100 per mo. & occupied Sept. 4th 1861 - the yards are large & in addition a large lot is rented.

The finest water is in the yard & conveyed by a trough to a bathroom on the 1st floor of the House - which is fitted with a stove for heating the room and the water.

The main building was used for Student rooms principally & is divided into rooms of various size holding generally from 3 to 7 patients. It contains dining, mess room - storerooms, Apothecary Shop, coal room - bath - office - privies. There is a long now one storied wooden building near the Main building & connected with the 1st floor by a narrow covered way; this is called "the New Ward" & has a room separated which was used as a newspaper & reading room. Its capacity is 40. Near this ward is a small room called “the cutaneous ward.” Capacity 10. The united capacity of these wards is 210 – A kitchen, Laundry, Storeroom, & quarters for Negro attendants too in the house in the yard & several tents are occupied (by choice) by Laundresses with their families and at the gate of entrance is a house of two small rooms used as a guard house.

The medical staff consists of Surgeon J. Forments in charge
A.S. H. F. Young
A.A.S. Jas. B. Southall

Hospl Steward Broughton is Secretary of the La Soldiers Aid Society and acting Hospl Steward only – 20 nurses – 8 cooks & 12 laundresses is in excess of allowance, of cooks by 1 & laundresses by 2 but as one nurse is allowed each as apothecary & clerk the excess is not in all classes. One of the Sisters of Charity of whom there are 6 attached to this hospital act as wardmasters & one is detailed as Matron or head nurse to each ward. The Surgeon in charge sports them as invaluable for their influence in the sick ward in the kitchen & pantries  where they superintend are marvels of cleanliness & equal the cabins, & kitchens ___ of ships of war.

The Surgeon in charge has faithfully____ his duties in inspiring & providing order & cleanliness in the whole establishment – in numbering the wards & beds – by attention to all the forms of requisition – by organizing the constant attention of one of the Surgeons – by dividing the cases between them – by arranging the cases according to their diseases – by posting conspicuously proper rules as required in Par 28 Med Regns – by inspiring(?) same performance of the duties of the Steward & wardmasters – by policing his grounds – privies & by having a guard house of 12 disabled Louisianians detailed to enforce the laws.

I cannot praise too highly the order and cleanliness of the wards – Stewards pantry and apothecary shop & etc. and I may favorably mention this Hosl records.

$1500 has been deposited in Bank to credit of this Hosl by the agent of the State of La since April 1st 1862. $500 is still on hand – The recent regulation in regard to Hosl fund are observed. A bell hangs in the yard is rung at meal times but is not used for striking the ½ hour.

The convalescent order (Par. IX Genl Orders Sept 20th) has not been observed – The Surgeon in charge promises though to rigidly observe it if we keep his Hosl full of sick Louisianians.

Of the employees 7 men are detailed exclusive of the guard.

On Franklin St. there is a house with 2 wards for sick & wounded officers who are charged $1Ό for Lieuts & $2½ for captains & other higher officers per diem. The kitchen, storeroom &c are separate from the Genl Hosls – The two wards afford room for only 15 patients. A stable & the quarters of the Medl Officers are attached to this house.

The patients in this Hosl now especially require ambulance service on account of the great distance from the Depots & other Hospitals. I recommend that immediate steps be taken to remove to this Hosl all the sickest of the Louisianians in the Hosls in Richmond & that the others be removed to ½ of a Division at Winder, to be set aside for them exclusively so that they may be more readily marked(?) by the organized State Aid designed for them.

Very Respectfully
                    Your Obedient Servant
                            Wm. A. Carrington
                                Surgeon & Inspector of Hospitals


Page last updated on 06/14/2008