Carrington, Details on GH#8

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From William A. Carrington CSR (M331): Miscellaneous details on Genl. Hosp. #8, dated 12/2/1862.

Copy & hand to Med. Director

213 Main St., Dec 2nd 1862

Surgeon E. S. Gaillard, Medl Director,
                                                                    I respectfully beg leave to return the communication of Surgeon Barton (referred to me) requesting the retention of Hosl Steward G. P. Mackinhiener as an additional Hospl apothecary at the Genl Hosl No. 8 under his charge.

There are two Hospl Stewards regularly appointed acting as apothecaries & one as Mess Steward – still only one Steward appears on the morning report. The capacity of this Hosl will be 300. The Division of Winder contain a a 700 & there are 2 druggist to each. Chimborazo has 600 to each Division excluding attendants & only 2 men on duty in the Apothecary shop of each – one only of whom is a Hospl Steward & in Genl Hospl No 1 with a capacity of 400. There are 2 men with the rank & pay of nurse.

I would not recommend that two Hospl Stewards be retained at this Hospl as apothecary – but that one clerk , apothecary & Mess Steward each have the rank & pay of Hospital Steward - & that if on account of multitudinous prescriptions one is unable to attend to all the duties – that temporary aid be sought from some intelligent man detailed as nurse.

There are 1 Surgeon, 15 Assist. Surgeon on duty at this Hosl. Number in this Hosl [blank].

                                Very Respectfully,
                                    Your Obedient Servant,
                                        Wm. A. Carrington
                                            Surgeon & Inspector of Hospitals


Page last updated on 06/14/2008