Carrington, Order, St. Francis/MC

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From William A. Carrington CSR (M331): Order of 1/21/1863 closing down St. Francis de Sales & Medical College Hospitals.

213 Main St.
Richmond, Jany 21st, 1863

Chief Surgeon
A. S. Mason
                                You will take proper steps to have all privates & commissioned officers at once removed from St. Francis De Sales & Medl College Hospls to the Hospls of their respective States - Inform the Civil Conductors of them, that hereafter officers of the C. S. A. remaining or being admitted in them must report to the Medl Officers assigned to attend Officers in private quarters and be subjected to whatever Rules exist for other Officers in private quarters.

You will further direct that all property of the C. States (if any) in the possession of these Hospls be turned over at once to the Surgeon G. W. Johns, Medical Purveyor or Wm. E. Warren Q.M.; that all Officers & attendants at this Hospl in the service or employ of the C. States, report immediately to your office & that hereafter these Hospls cease to report sick and wounded soldiers, except on the written authority of the Chief Surgeon or Medl Director.

                            Very Respectfully,
                                Your Obedient Servant,
                                    Wm. A. Carrington
                                        Acting Medl Director


Page last updated on 06/14/2008