Clopton Hospital report

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From the Eleanor S. Brockenbrough Library, Museum of the Confederacy, Richmond VA

Clopton Hospital
Sept. 26th 1862

Surgeon Genl S. P. Moore,
                                                In answer to your call for a report of deaths, furloughs and discharges of Hospitals, I have the honor of making the following statement concerning Clopton Hospital.

No of cases treated


“    Furloughed


“    Deaths


“    Discharged from service


When the wounded were brought into this this [sic] Hospital on May 31st it was destitute of nurses and servants, and without a Surgeon, and but for the aid of Mrs. Judge Clopton and the ladies of the neighborhood the patients would have undergone great privations, but woman true to her nature, watched and waited night and day, by the bedside of the sufferers, unwearied, untiring and devoted to the cause of liberty and humanity.

I do not mean to use the language of mere Panegyric(?) when I say that Mrs. Clopton and the other ladies performed the most laborious duties of dressing wounds, nursing &c not only without a ____ but with joy that they possessed the power to serve the suffering soldiers of

At the request of Mrs. Clopton I was appointed Surgeon on the 1st of June and in complement to her I named it the Clopton Hospital, as a tribute for the interest and zeal she manifested in attending to the comforts of the establishment; for three weeks the cooking was attended to by her servants in her kitchen and at her expense. The ladies were more particularly of benefit during the period the Hospital was filled with the wounded as we found it difficult to procure intelligent nurses for the wages paid by the Confederacy, and in the case of one nurse who could not procure not be obtained at the stated price Mrs. Clopton employed for the comfort of the wounded and our patients have reason to bless them for their labors of love. Since Dr. Patterson has been here I am sure he will concur with me in testifying to the energy, good management, & constant attention paid by this noble lady to the sick & wounded. Many soldiers will bless her while he lives and retains consciousness. I have great satisfaction in stating that we have been eminently successful in the treatment of Typhoid _____ I here

I also would here refer to the efficient aid afforded me by Dr. P. Brown in the arduous duties of the first six weeks of the management of this Hospital, when the whole labor of prescribing &c devolved on me


From the Eleanor S. Brockenbrough Library, Museum of the Confederacy, Richmond VA


Page last updated on 06/14/2008