General Hospital #11

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 :: General Hospital #11 ::
Information about General Hospital #11 in Richmond, VA during the Civil War.

Also called: Globe Hospital, Florida Hospital. Formerly tobacco factory of James H. Grant and Company (not to be confused with his brother William’s factory, see General Hospital #12). Built 1853. Still standing partially. Records cover June 1862 through September 1863. Capacity seems to be about 150. Location: west side of first block of north 19th Street, near Franklin. Present site of 8-10-12 North 19th Street. (from Confederate Military Hospitals in Richmond by Robert W. Waitt, Jr., Official Publication #22 Richmond Civil War Centennial committee, Richmond, Virginia 1964.)

RG 109, Ch. 6, Vol. 151, p. 49 10/1862 - 6/1863; Statistics of Florida Hospital - hospital closed after June, 1863
RG 109, Ch. 6, Vol. 151, p. 17 9/1862 - 12/1863; Statistics of General Hospital #11 - hospital closed after December, 1863


Photograph of General Hospital #11, greatly blown up from a panoramic photo taken from Church Hill.

Written Accounts

Richmond Dispatch 11/3/1860; adv for the Main Street Hospital for slaves, "near the corner of Main and 26th streets," gives prices and names surgeons, F. W. Hancock and Peachy among them
Richmond Dispatch 11/12/1860; Dr. Peticolas has been appointed "Surgeon’s mate" in the 4th regiment of Artillery. Peachy is the Surgeon.
Richmond Dispatch 8/22/1861; Thos. M. Palmer, Surg. 2nd FL, ad for lost or stolen horses
Richmond Dispatch 1/13/1862; runaway slave notice, Globe Hospital
Richmond Dispatch 1/18/1862; St. George Peachy missing pocket-case of instruments
Richmond Dispatch 2/26/1862; Mrs. R. M. Grinnell, matron of late St. Charles Hospital, now matron at Globe Hospital (future GH#11) – Dr. St. George Peachy in charge
Richmond Dispatch 3/12/1862; Mrs. Grinnell at Globe Hospital (future GH#11) thanks Mrs. Wm. Sydnor, Meadow Farm, for delicacies
Richmond Dispatch 4/19/1862; St. George Peachy (Surgeon, Globe Hospital [future GH11]) adv for servants to be nurses, cooks, etc. at new hospitals
Richmond Dispatch 4/19/1862; paragraph urging women to help at hospitals in the coming campaign – apply to Dr. St. G. Peachy (Surgeon, Globe Hospital)
Richmond Dispatch 4/24/1862; Globe hospital (GH#11) needs bandages
Richmond Dispatch 5/24/1862; St. George Peachy, Globe Hospital, warns out-patients to report or be AWOL
Richmond Dispatch 6/5/1862; List of YMCA donations to GH#1, St. Charles, Byrd Island Hospital, Globe & Richardson.
Richmond Enquirer 6/6/1862; casualty list from Seven Pines, listing the hospitals where wounded were taken. Globe Hospital has 34 patients.
Richmond Dispatch 6/7/1862; List of donors & provisions for area hospitals
Richmond Dispatch 6/26/1862; Surg. Thos. M. Palmer, 2nd Fla., lost horse. Pryor’s Bgd near tollgate, Williamsburg Rd
Richmond Dispatch 6/28/1862; Enormous list of wounded by hospital: Central Depot; Third Georgia; Royster; First Alabama; St. Charles; Keen, Baldwin & Williams; Kent; Christian & Lea’s; Ligon; Globe; Third Alabama; Institute; Fourth Georgia
Richmond Dispatch 6/30/1862; Another huge hospital list: Seabrook’s; Banner; Christian & Lea’s; Globe; Moore; Howard; Royster; Central Depot; First Alabama; Third Alabama; First Georgia; Second Georgia; Third Georgia
National Archives, RG 109, Ch. IV 8/1/1862; order from F. Sorrel, re-designating existing hospitals into Gen. Hosps. with numbers.
Ledger of Confederate Hospital Practice no date; Rules and Regulations for General Hospital #11
Ledger of Confederate Hospital Practice no date; list of Surgeons at General Hospital #11
Richmond Enquirer 9/30/1862; tabular report of sick & wounded soldiers in the Hospitals in Richmond
Library of Congress 10/6/1862; reports on the capacities of Richmond Hospitals and empty beds
Library of Congress 10/16/1862; reports on the capacities of Richmond Hospitals, empty beds, and Patients in them
Library of Congress 11/1/1862; reports on the capacities of Richmond Hospitals, empty beds, and Patients in them
T. M. Palmer CSR, M331 11/14/1862; list of surgeons at the Florida Hospital
E. N. Wood CSR, M331 March 1863 report for GH#11 & Nov. 1862 for GH#6
Richmond Examiner 4/4/1863; account of the trials of several of the bread rioters, great details on individual cases, including Mary Jackson and Dr. Thomas M. Palmer, surgeon at the Florida Hospital (GH#11)
Richmond Examiner 4/7/1863; account of the arraignment of Thomas Palmer, Surgeon at the Florida Hospital; J. H. Gilmer and G. W. Randolph are the accused's legal counsel
Richmond Sentinel 4/7/1863; details on the case of Dr. Palmer, arrested for defying the Governor and the Mayor, during the Bread Riot.
Richmond Sentinel 5/6/1863; more riot cases, including Dr. Thos. Palmer
Richmond Dispatch 5/8/1863; description of the trials of several bread rioters, including Thomas Palmer, surgeon at the Florida Hospital (GH#11)
Richmond Sentinel 5/9/1863; more riot cases - Thomas Palmer discharged
Richmond Sentinel 5/30/1863; wounded soldier at the Globe Hospital searches for his brothers
RG 109, Ch. 6, Vol. 151, p. 49 10/1862 - 6/1863; Statistics of Florida Hospital - hospital closed after June, 1863
Richmond Sentinel 8/10/1863; list of hospitals in Richmond and to which hospitals soldiers from the various states are sent
Richmond Sentinel 9/21/1863; list of hospitals in Richmond and to which hospitals soldiers from the various states are sent
Richmond Enquirer 10/19/1863; report of the Florida Hospital (GH#11) - notes that of 1,076 patients treated, only 53 have died
T. M. Palmer CSR, M331 12/15/1863; Florida Hospital has been closed
Official Records, Ser. II, Vol. VI, pp. 1086-87 12/17/1863; General Hospital #10 is ordered to be closed; stores from the Florida Hospital are sought to alleviate suffering in GH#10
RG 109, Ch. 6, Vol. 151, p. 17 9/1862 - 12/1863; Statistics of General Hospital #11 - hospital closed after December, 1863
Richmond Sentinel 1/13/1864; Texas, Alabama Hospitals, GH#10, GH#11 permanently closed and patients moved to Howard's Grove.
W. W. Hubbard CSR, M331 various dates; list of supplies for the Florida Hospital
St. George T. Peachy CSR, M331 various dates; rations etc. for GH#11

In the National Archives:

Record Group 109, (ch. VI, vol. 361). 1 in.

Letters, Orders, and Circulars Received, General Hospital No. 11. 1862-63. 1 vol. Copies of orders and circulars issued by the Adjutant and Inspector General's Department, the Surgeon General's Office, and the Medical Director's Office in Richmond, the Department of Richmond, the Department of Northern Virginia, and the Department of Virginia and North Carolina (also called Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia); of letters received, mainly from the Chief Surgeon's Office, Department of Richmond, and the Medical Director's Office in Richmond; and copies of a few letters sent. Arranged chronologically. This hospital was also known as Florida Hospital.

Page last updated on 07/17/2008