General Hospital #28

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 :: General Hospital #28 ::
Information about General Hospital #28 in Richmond, VA during the Civil War.

Also called: Danville Railroad hospital, Railroad Shops Hospital. Formerly shops building in railroad repair yards of Richmond and Danville Rail Road. Single-storied, brick, building. Had several natural springs nearby. Opened 10 July 1862. Surgical hospital with 416 beds. Dr. Abraham Schultz Miller, surgeon-in-charge. Location: Manchester, Virginia, on James River, just east of Richmond and Petersburg Rail Road bridge. Present site just east of south end of Manchester Bridge. (from Confederate Military Hospitals in Richmond by Robert W. Wait, Jr., Official Publication #22 Richmond Civil War Centennial committee, Richmond, Virginia 1964.)

Written Accounts

Richmond Enquirer 6/11/1862; Danville Railroad shops have been fitted up as a hospital, capacity of 500. Praises the site and accommodation
Richmond Dispatch 7/10/1862; Good description of the Danville Railroad Hospital (GH#28)
Richmond Examiner 7/11/1862; Spottswood Hotel and Danville RR shop to be used as hospitals
Richmond Dispatch 7/31/1862; Obituary of Geo. Mathews, C11 Miss, who dies of his wounds at Danville (Manchester) Hospital [future GH#28]. Obit blasts hospital for poor care
National Archives, RG 109, Ch. IV 8/1/1862; order from F. Sorrel, re-designating existing hospitals into Gen. Hosps. with numbers.
Richmond Enquirer 9/30/1862; tabular report of sick & wounded soldiers in the Hospitals in Richmond

Page last updated on 02/12/2008