GH#22 Rules and Regulations |
[page 46] [Rules and Regulations, no date, for
General Hospital # 22]
Genl Hospl No. 22 Assistant Surgeons will see that the rules &
regulations are executed by their subordinates; that their wards are well
ventilated, scrupulously clean, and at all times in proper condition for the
reception of sick and wounded. They will visit their patients at least twice a
day and as often thereafter as their condition may require. At 9 AM they will
accompany the Surgeon in Charge in his examination of patients, through the
different wards, and note in writing the prescriptions, diet and symptoms of the
chief cases, all recipes will be handed to the dispensary apothecary at or
before the hours of 10 o’clock AM and 7 PM when officers of the day, Assistant
Surgeons, will have general supervision of the Hospital and all complaints must
be made to him or the Surgeon in Charge. “Steward” is responsible for the cleanliness of the wards
and kitchen, patients, and attendants, and all articles in use. He will
ascertain who are present at sunrise and sunset and tattoo, and(underline)
report absentees. Cooks and nurses are subject to his orders. He will draw
rations and see that they are properly cooked, distributed and issued with
economy; will adjust the duties of the various employees, supervise the most
perfect cleanliness in the various departments, and apportion to each employee
his or her particular duty and strictly observe that such duties be punctually
to see that every patient has sufficient, will keep his provision return and
other accounts daily “posted up.” Ward Masters will upon the reception
of patients enter in his book the particulars of and properly label their
various baggage accoutrements &c “Name,” “Company,” “Regt and
State” when patients are admitted into Hospital he will see that they receive
plunge showers, springs tepid, or warm baths as the Surgeon may direct and
supply them with clean hospital clothing. He will receive from the Steward the
furniture, bedding, cooking utensils &c for use and keep a record of them
and have distributed to the wards and kitchens and once a week to take an
inventory of the articles in use and report to him any loss or damage to them
and to retain to the Steward such as are not required for use. Patients are positively prohibited from spitting on the
floor or out the windows or lying upon the beds with their boots or shoes on;
must not leave the hospital without a pass from their respective Surgeons, and
upon receiving passes must return punctually at the time specified on. Failing
to do so, further leave of absence will not be granted; are not permitted to
take away articles of food into the wards; are prohibited from giving to the
sick in bed any articles of fruit or pastry without first obtaining permission
of the Assistant Surgeon in Charge of ward; all knapsacks, blankets, fire arms,
knives, and weapons of defence generally must be given into the custody of the
“ward master” who will be held responsible for their safe keeping and
delivery. Patients are not allowed in the office or the adjoining rooms except
on business. The baggage room will be opened daily between the hours of 9 and 11
in the forenoon when patients can procure whatever articles from their baggage
they may need. Patients will not under any circumstances be permitted to enter
the kitchen, matron’s room, or store room without the express permission of
the officer of the day. Patients having any cause for complaint will make the
same immediately known to the Surgeon in Charge. By Order
Page last updated on 02/12/2008 |
Copyright © 2008 Civil War Richmond Inc. |