Surgeon E. S. Gaillard, Medl Director, I have the honor to report that I have inspected this day the Hospital attached to Bateries no 7 & 8 called “Marshall Spring Hosl.” - It is about 3/4 of a mile back of the Genl. Hosl. No. 1 on a road extending from Foushee St. The Hosl Building is a long narrow brick building composed of a body + 2 wings - the body 3 stories high contains 6 rooms + each wing 2 stories high two rooms. - One wing is used as an apothecary shop & lodging room for Surgeon & Steward, & the other for commissary stores & lodging room for wardmasters and nurses. The Hosl room contain each 4 beds making its capacity 24. A tent in the yard serves as a mess tent & another a dead house. - Some 100 yds from the Hosl is a very delapidated weather board building - the 1st floor entirely untenable by man is used as a place to picket horses, the 2nd story containing 2 rooms is the kitchen and mess room for convalescents. It is for this the plank &c required is to be applied in repairs. A very fine spring is very near the Hosl. There is a plan in view to make this the central Hosl for the bateries around Richmond. To do this a few sheds might be built using this central building for those requiring best shelter - at present there is no necessity for the additional expense. & I recommend that the batteries north of Richmond send their sick to the Louisianna Hosl or Genl. Hosl No 1, as may be more convenient - while those below send theirs to Genl Hosls no 27 or 28 in nearest proximity - The reason for desiring this building under their own organization is owing to men being furloughed and discharged in the Hosls in Richmond without the Captain consulted & informed.- Asst Surgeon Wm. A. Hill opening this Hosl & is still in charge. Hosl. Steward Wm. S. White is appointed by the Sec of War June 19th/62. Other attendants in accordance with their allowance. The general condition of the wards - bedding clothes of patients apothecary shop & kitchen was neither neat cleanly or orderly. A Hosl fund existed & was in the hands of the commissary of the Battery, who paid the bills __________ by Steward for necessary articles of subsistence. A very neat and complete register was shown.
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