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 :: Rocketts Landing ::
Information about Rocketts Landing in Richmond, VA during the Civil War.

This page is for information on the area of eastern Richmond, then known as Rocketts. During the Civil War, the area was used as a place of encampment, as well as the Confederate shipyard and dock on the James River.

Richmond Whig 5/22/1861, p. 3; Richmond Howitzers camped on Chimborazo hill, with new military road "leading from the plateau," along the declivity, to the encampment at Rocketts. Artillery posted atop the hill.
Richmond Dispatch 10/7/1861; flood ruins wharf at Rocketts
Richmond Dispatch 4/21/1862; Ladies’ Defence Association is building its gunboat opposite Rocketts. Farrand in charge. Note from Maria Clopton on this. Tredegar involved.
Richmond Dispatch 5/9/1862; details on a woman arrested for theft at Rocketts, sent to Castle Godwin
Richmond Dispatch 5/22/1862; details of murder at the "tall white brick house on the left hand side of Main street, where the street turns towards Rocketts."
Richmond Dispatch 5/23/1862; Edward Conner, 21 Miss, stabbed to death at Rocketts - dies at 4th Georgia Hospital
Richmond Dispatch 6/7/1862; CSS Teaser anchored at foot of 21st St.
Richmond Dispatch 6/21/1862; great story about family & dog near Rocketts
Richmond Dispatch 7/28/1862; Police break up rock battle at Rocketts
Richmond Dispatch 9/18/1862; CSS Nansemond at foot of 18th St. – wants crewmen
Richmond Dispatch 9/27/1862; Russell’s starch factory “in Rocketts old field” burned to the ground. Was lately in use as a hospital and formerly known as the Second Baptist Church Chapel.
Richmond Dispatch 11/5/1862; interesting case of Solomon Bell, federal soldier at Libby, captured twice in past year. Wife living in Richmond, near Rocketts.
Richmond Dispatch 11/12/1862; Mrs. Maria Clopton, President Ladies’ Gunboat Association, calls meeting at R. H. Maury residence, Clay between 11th and 12th
Richmond Dispatch 11/13/1862; Maria Clopton adv for the Ladies’ Gunboat Association to meet at R. H. Maury’s house, Clay between 11th and 12th
Richmond Dispatch 12/2/1862; Frederick Lindsey, 1TX & Mathew Pitman, 1GA, both arrested for drunken fracas at Rockett’s. Pitman to Castle Thunder, Lindsey left behind, “having had his skull broken by a skillet in the hands of a female whose house he had entered.”
Richmond Dispatch 12/8/1862; ten houses at Rocketts (Water & Main streets) burn in huge fire. Known as Tyler’s Row, as Hiram Tyler owned them all
Richmond Enquirer 12/18/1862; man who had escaped from Castle Thunder twice before is recaptured in Rocketts
Richmond Sentinel 4/9/1863; General Elzey holds a review of troops in Richmond in "Rocketts old field"
Richmond Sentinel 6/30/1863; the ironclad Virginia II was launched from the Rocketts shipyard yesterday
Richmond Sentinel 10/25/1864; steamer Schultz has been refitted and will resume trips down the river
Richmond Whig 4/11/1865; appeal for a city railroad to replace one the CS built to transport iron to Rocketts
New York Herald 4/13/1865; excellent letter from Richmond describing the Federal occupation of Richmond, mentions Tredegar, former slaves, Rocketts, former rebel hospitals (Chimborazo, Jackson, Stuart) - All patients now at Jackson, Stuart Hospital is now a US Post Hospital. Dahlgren's body found and is being returned to Washington. Castle Thunder and Libby Prison are now holding Confederates. Also notes veneration of Robert E. Lee in Richmond
Richmond Whig 4/13/1865; Rocketts, the port of Richmond has resumed trade, and is being cleaned up
Richmond Whig 4/27/1865; Rocketts has been taken over by the Federals and improvements are being made
Richmond Whig 6/6/1865; appeal for a passenger railway from St. Charles Hotel to Rocketts

Page last updated on 07/08/2008