Gardner - Antietam

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ILLUSTRATIONS OF GENERAL McCLELLAN’S CAMPAIGN IN MARYLAND. Mounted as stereographs and album cards. Those marked + are mounted for album cards only.

Neg. # Title Photographer
550 Group of Irish Brigade, as they lay on Battle-field of Antietam, Sept. 19, 1862. Alexander Gardner
551 A Contrast: Federal buried, Confederate unburied, where they fell, on Battlefield of Antietam. "
552 Completely Silenced: Dead Confederate Artillerymen, as they lay around their battery, after the Battle of Antietam. "
553 Ditch on the right wing, where Kimball’s Brigade fought so desperately, at the Battle of Antietam. "
554 He Sleeps his Last Sleep. A Confederate Soldier, who after being wounded, had evidently dragged himself to a little ravine on the hill-side, where he died. "
555 Confederate Soldiers, as they fell, near the Burnside Bridge, at the Battle of Antietam. "
556 Confederate Soldiers, as they fell inside the fence, on the Hagerstown road, at the Battle of Antietam. "
557 Gathered Together for Burial: After the Battle of Antietam. "
558 Dead Horse of Confederate Colonel: both killed at the Battle of Antietam. "
559 Killed at the Battle of Antietam. "
560 View in the Field, on the west side of Hagerstown road, after the Battle of Antietam. "
561 Burying the Dead, after the Battle of Antietam. "
562 View near Dunker Church, on the Battle-field of Antietam. "
563 View in Ditch on right wing, after the Battle of Antietam. "
564 Demolished Confederate Battery, near Sharpsburg, September 19, 1862. "
565 View of Ditch on right wing, which had been used as a rifle-pit by the Confederates, at the Battle of Antietam. "
566 Confederate Soldiers, as they fell, at the Battle of Antietam. "
567 View on Battle-field: Group of Louisiana Regiment, as they fell, at the Battle of Antietam. The contest at this point had been very severe. "
568 View on Battle-field of Antietam, where Sumner’s corps charged the enemy: scene of terrific conflict. "
569 View on Battle-field of Antietam. "
570 A Lone Grave, on Battle-field of Antietam. "
571 View on Battle-field of Antietam, near Sherrick’s House, where the Seventy-ninth New York Volunteers fought after they crossed the creek: group of dead Confederates. "
572 View on Battle-field of Antietam, where Hooker’s corps behaved so gallantly: group of Confederate dead. "
573 Dunker Church, on Battle-field of Antietam. "
574 Ruins of Mumma’s House, on Battle-field of Antietam. "
575 Rullet’s House, on Battle-field of Antietam. "
576 General Hooker’s Headquarters during the Battle of Antietam. "
577 Captain Knapp’s Battery, Pennsylvania Artillery, (Banks’ corps) on Battle-field of Antietam. "
578 Antietam Bridge, on Sharpsburg and Boonboro Turnpike: looking upstream. "
579 Group—Artillery Officers on Battle-field of Antietam. "
580 General Caldwell and Staff, on Battle-field of Antietam, Sept. 21, 1862. "
581 Picnic Party at Antietam Bridge, September 22, 1862. "
582 Newcomer’s Mill, near Antietam. "
583 Antietam Bridge, looking across stream. James F. Gibson
584 Burnside Bridge. Antietam, looking up stream. Alexander Gardner
585 Graves of Federal Soldiers at Burnside Bridge, Antietam, Sept. 21, 1862. "
586 Colonel Morehead, One Hundred and Sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers, on Battle-field of Antietam. Sept. 19, 1862. "
587 Forge Scene at General McClellan’s Headquarters, Sharpsburg, Sept. 22, 1862. "
588 Confederate Wounded after the Battle of Antietam, at Smith’s Barn: Dr. A. Hurd, Fourteenth Indiana Volunteers in attendance. "
589 Smith’s Barn, near Keedysville, used as a hospital after the Battle of Antietam. "
590 Smith’s House and Barn, near Keedysville, used as a hospital after the Battle of Antietam. "
591 Real’s Barn, burned by the bursting of a Federal shell at the Battle of Antietam. "
592 Straw Huts, erected on Smith Farm and used as a hospital after the Battle of Antietam. "
594 Catlett’s Station. T. H. O’Sullivan
595 Principal Street in Sharpsburg, Maryland. Alexander Gardner
596 Lutheran Church, Sharpsburg, Maryland. "
597 View on Antietam. "
598 Sherrick’s House, near Burnside Bridge, Antietam. "
599 Street in Sharpsburg: Episcopal Church in distance. "
 * Antietam Bridge, looking downstream. "
 * Antietam Bridge, looking upstream. "
* Antietam Bridge, looking across stream. "
* Burnside Bridge, looking up to stream. "
 * Burnside Bridge, looking down to stream. "
* General Caldwell and Staff on Battle-field of Antietam, September 21, 1862. "
* General McClellan’s Headquarters Guard. Ninety-third New York Volunteers, at Antietam. September, "
* President Lincoln and General McClellan at Headquarters. Army of the Potomac. October 4, 1862. "
* President Lincoln, Generals McClellan, Porter, Morrell, Hunt, Humphrey, Colonel Sackets, Lieutenant "
* Colonels Swietzer, Webb, Locke, Doctor Letterman, Captain Custer, &c., at Headquarters Fitz John Porter. Antietam. October. 1862. "
* President Lincoln, General McClernand, and E. J. Allen, Chief of S.S., U.S.A., at Secret Service Department, Headquarters Army of the Potomac, Antietam, October 1862. "
* Signal Tower on Elk Mountain, overlooking Battle-field of Antietam. "
* Our Mess at Antietam. Group of Officers of Ninety-third New York Volunteers. "
* Group—Dr. Letterman, Col. Clark, Gens. Gibbon and Buford, Lt. Cols. Colburn and Myers. Capt. Duane &c., at Antietam, October, 1862. "
* Group—Gen. Marcy, Lt. Col. Colburn, Messrs. Garrett, Hatch, Kennedy and others, at Headquarters Army of the Potomac, near Antietam, October, 1862. "
* Group at Secret Service Department. Headquarters, Army of the Potomac, Antietam, October, 1862. "
* Group of Guides for the Army of the Potomac, Berlin, October, 1862. "
* Military Telegraph Construction Corps erecting line across the Potomac at Berlin, October, 1862. "
* Group at Mrs. Lee's, near Birketttville, Md., October, 1862. "
* Dan Webster, General McClellan's War Horse. "


Pontoon Bridge across the Potomac at Berlin, October 1862. "


Group—Mr. Coleman, Col. Clark, Lt. Col. Colburn and Myers, Gen. Buford, Sidney Deming, &c., "
600 Burnside Bridge, southeastern view. "
601 Burnside Bridge, from the southeast. "
602 President Lincoln and General McClellan, at Headquarters Army of the Potomac. Antietam. October 4, l862. + "
603 General Marcy and friends at Headquarters Army of the Potomac, October 4, 1862. "
604 President Lincoln. General McClernand, and E. J. Allen, Chief of S.S., U.S.A., at Secret Service Department. Headquarters Army of the Potomac, October 4, 1862. + "
605 Group-President Lincoln, Generals McClellan, McClernand and Marcy, and Messrs. Garrett, Hatch, Lamon, Kennedy, and others, previous to reviewing the troops on Battle-field of Antietam, October 3, 1862 "
606 Group-President Lincoln, Generals McClellan, Porter, Morell, Hunt, Humphrey, Colonel Sackest, Lt. Cols. Swietzer, Webb, Locke, Dr. Letterman, Captain Custer, &c., at Headquarters, Fitz John Porter, Antietam, October 3, l862. + "
607 Bridge across the Antietam, northeast view.  James F. Gibson
608 Antietam Bridge, on the Sharpsburg and Boonsboro Pike, southeast view. "
609 Antietam Bridge, looking downstream. Alexander Gardner


Antietam Bridge, eastern view. James F. Gibson
611 Antietam Bridge, south view. "
612 Burnside Bridge across the Antietam, northeast view. "
613 Burnside Bridge across the Antietam, southwest view. Alexander Gardner
614 Burnside Bridge across she Antietam, eastern view. James F. Gibson
615 Burnside Bridge across the Antietam, northeast slew, with graves of Union soldiers. Alexander Gardner


Pontoon Bridge across the Potomac, at Berlin. "


A Welcome Visitor. "
618 Group-Messrs. Allen, Hammond, Fargo, and Hall. "
619 Can you make a Picture of my Horse this Morning? "
626 Group-Major Myers, Lts. Stryker and Norton, Harrison's Landing, August, 1862. "
628 General Heintzelman-Staff, Harrison's Landing, August, 1862. "
630 Group-Colonel Crocker, Lieut. Colonel Butler, and Adjutant of the Ninety-third New York. Volunteers, Antietam. "
631 Group-Messrs. E. J. Allen, Babcock, Moore, Bangs, Littlefield. "
632 Group-Lieutenants Pearce, Babcock, and Rockwell, on Elk Mountain, Maryland. "
633 Signal Tower on Elk Mountain, overlooking Battle-field of Antietam. "
634 Group of Signal Corps Detachment, Pleasant Valley. "
643 Gimlet, a celebrated War Horse of the Rappahannock. "
645 Pickets Station, Blackburn's Ford, Bull Run. "
654 Harpers Ferry Gap.

Holmes & Woodbury

655 Ruins of Harpers Ferry Arsenal, October, 1862.


656 Engineer Corps making Corduroy Roads.


657 A Negro Family crossing into the Union Lines.

David B. Woodbury

658 Ruins of Bridge across the Potomac, at Berlin, destroyed by the Confederates, June, 1861.

Alexander Gardner

667 Group at Secret Service Department, Headquarters, Army of the Potomac, Antietam, October, 1862.


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