Gardner - Burnside's Campaign

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ILLUSTRATIONS OF GENERAL BURNSIDE'S CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA. - Mounted as stereographs and album cards.

Neg. # Title Photographer


General McClellan and Staff. Warrenton. +

Alexander Gardner

685 Group at Mrs. Lee's House, Birkettsville, Maryland. "
687 Group as Medical Directors Department, Warrenton. + "
689 Group of Guides to the Array of the Potomac. "
690 Group at Headquarters Army of the Potomac, Antietam. "
691 Group of Signal Corps. + "
692 Group at Headquarters Medical Directors, Army of the Potomac. + "
661 General Burnside and Staff. + "
662 General Sumner and Staff. + "
663 Group-Generals Burnside, Wilcox, Couch, Park, Hunt, Farero, Patrick, Cochrane, Sturgis, Hancock, Buford, at Headquarters, Gen. Burnside, Warrenton, November, 1862. + "
664 General Burnside on Horseback, November, 1862. + "
665 General Sumner at the Residence of Maj. Payne, of Longstreet's Staff, Warrenton, November, 1862. + "
666 Group at Medical Director's Department, Headquarters, Army of the Potomac, Warrenton, November, 1862. + "
668 What do I want? John Henry! + "
669 Group at Medical Director's Department, Headquarters, Army of the Potomac, November, 1862. + "
670 Captain J. B. Howard, A.Q.M., and Staff, Headquarters, Army of the Potomac, Warrenton, November, 1862. + "
676 View of Fredericksburg, from Tyler's Battery.

James F. Gibson

678 Balloon Camp, near Falmouth.


* General Burnside and Staff, Warrenton, November, 1862. Alexander Gardner
* General Burnside on Horseback. Warrenson, November, 1862. "
* General Sumner and Staff. Warrenton, November, 1862. "
* General Sumner at the Residence of Maj. Payne, of Longstreet's Staff, Warrenton, November, 1862. "
* Group-Generals Burnside, Couch, Wilcox, Hancock, Park, Farero, Patrick, Cochrane, Sturgis, Buford & Hunt. "
* General Heintzelman and Staff, at Arlington House. "
* Group-Medical Directors Department, Headquarters Army of the Potomac, Warrenton, November, 1862. "
* Group at Medical Director's Department, Headquarters Army of the Potomac, Warrenton, November, 1862. "


What do I want? John Henry!. "
* Captain J. B. Howard A.Q.M., and Staff. Headquarters Army of the Potomac, Warrenton, November, 1862. "
* Group of Officers of Signal Corps, Warrenton, November, 1862. "
* Signal Corps Detachment on Elk Mountain, Md. "
* Group-Cols. Sackett, Ruggles, Clarke, and Major Davies, at Headquarters, Army of the Potomac, Warrenton, November, 1862. "
* Lt. Colonel Colburn on Horseback. "
* Lt. Colonel Norton on Horseback. "
* Major E. J. Allen on Horseback. "
* G. N. Bangs on Horse. "
* Captain Howard and Horse. "
* G. Littlefield on Horseback. "


Arrival of the first Negro Family within the lines, on 1st January, 1863.

David B. Woodbury

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