Gardner - South Carolina

Written Accounts
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ILLUSTRATIONS OF SHERMAN’S EXPEDITION TO SOUTH CAROLINA. - Mounted as stereographs and album cards.

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150 Negro Family on Rhett’s Plantations, Beaufort, South Carolina   T. H. O’Sullivan
151 Group on J. J. Smith’s Plantation. Beaufort, S.C. "
152 Negro Family representing five generations all born on the Plantation of J. J. Smith. Beaufort, "
153 Headquarters. General Stevens, Beaufort, S.C. "
154 Scouting Party on J. I. Smith’s Plantation. Beaufort, "
155 Rhett’s House. Beaufort, South Carolina. "
156 Fiftieth Pennsylvania Volunteers (Colonel Christ) at Beaufort, South Carolina. "
157 Building Pontoon Bridge at Beaufort, S.C. "
158 Moss Covered Tomb, over 150 years old on Rhett’s Plantations, Port Royal Island, South Carolina. "
159 Preparing Cotton for the Gin. "
160 Negro Quarters on Smith’s Plantations. Port Royal Island. South Carolina. "
161 Mock Battery erected by the Seventy-ninth New York. "
162 View in Beaufort, South Carolina. "
163 General Stevens and Staff at Beaufort, S.C. "
164 General Stevens at Beaufort, South Carolina. "
166 Siege Trains, Hilton Head, South Carolina. "
167 Mary Stuart’s House, Beaufort, South Carolina. "
168 Fullers House, Beaufort, South Carolina. "
169 View on Mills’ Plantation, Port Royal Island, S.C. "
170 Dock built by Federal troops, Hilton Head, S.C. "
171 Boat Landing at Beaufort, South Carolina. "
172 Signal Stations, Beaufort, South Carolina. "
187 Graves of Sailors killed at Bombardment, Hilton Head, South Carolina. "
188 Fort Pulaski. Georgia; front view. "
189 Fort Pulaski, Georgia; rear stew. "
190 Fort Pulaski. Georgia: distant view, showing the effect of the fire from the assaulting batteries. "
191 Ruins of Fort Pulaski, Georgia, inside casemate, wall 14 feet thick. "
192 The Breach, Fort Pulaski, Georgia. "
194 Fort Pulaski, Georgia: rear parapet, entrance. "
195 Ruins on channel side of Fort Pulaski, Georgia "
197 Beauregard Gun, Fort Pulaski. "
198 Fort Pulaski, Georgia: view on front parapet. "
199 Dismounted Mortar, Fort Pulaski. "
200 View of Guns, Jeff Davis, Beauregard and Stephens Fort Pulaski, Georgia. "
201 Coosaw Ferry, Port Royal Island, S.C. Battlefield of 1st January, 1862, in the distance. "
202 Natural Arch at Seabrook Point, South Carolina. "
203 Fort Beauregard, Bay Point. S.C.: linework in the distance. "
204 Fort Beauregard, Bay Point. South Carolina. "
206 Fort Walker, Hilton Head. South Carolina, "
207 Fort Walker, Hilton Head. South Carolina rear view. "
208 Our Mess at Beaufort, South Carolina. "
209 Headquarters General Hunter, Hilton Head. S.C. "
210 Army Bake-house, Hilton Head, South Carolina. "

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