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Views of Richmond and Vicinity, and Mountain Scenery of Virginia and West Va.

Richmond and Vicinity.
Jeff Davis’ Mansion.
State Capitol.
Monumental Church.
Libby Prison.
Castle Thunder – Confederate Prison.
Old Stone House.
Custom House.
Exchange and Ballard.
St. Paul’s Church.
St. John’s Church.
Governor’s Mansion.
Washington Monument.
Washington Monument and State Capitol.
General Lee’s Residence.
Statue of Henry Clay.
Tomb of Ex-President Monroe.
View of Capitol Square.
Rocketts – Port of Richmond.
Drury’s Bluff.
Belle Isle – Prisoners’ Camp.
View of Main Street.
Bird’s Eye View of Richmond.
View of James River.
Monument to Confederate Dead.
National Cemetery.
Views on Hollywood Cemetery.
Franklin Street.
Tredegar Iron Works.
Ruins of Confederate Arsenal.
Petersburg Railroad Bridge.
Ford’s Hotel.
Mayo's Bridge.
Richmond Dock.
Canal Basin.
And many other interesting Views, including nearly all the churches.
Views of Petersburg and Vicinity.
Including the Crater and Blanford Church and other subjects.
Views of Entire Rout of C. and O. R. R.
Embracing some of the wildest and most beautiful Scenery in the world.
The Mineral Springs of Va. And W. Va.
White Sulphur Springs.
Old Sweet Springs.
Rockbridge Alum Springs.
Hot Springs, Bath County.
Healing Springs, Bath County.
Mountain Scenery.
Including many beautiful subjects, such as -
Falling Spring.
Beaver Dam Falls.
Natural Bridge.
Home of Thomas Jefferson.
Tomb of Thomas Jefferson.
Views of Yorktown and Williamsburg
Including many Historical and Colonial Relics.
Published by
No. 1311 Main St., Richmond, Va.

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