Photographers in Richmond

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 :: Photographers in Richmond ::
Information about Photographers in Richmond, VA during the Civil War.

Written Accounts

Richmond Dispatch 4/8/1861; Franklin & Co has received a large collection of stereo views and viewers
Richmond Dispatch 4/26/1861; Ad for Vannerson's Photographic Gallery
Richmond Dispatch 5/8/1861; Ad for Ree's photographic gallery
Richmond Dispatch 5/10/1861; advertisement for Rees' photographic gallery
Richmond Whig 2/24/1862; fire at Vannerson's photographic gallery
Richmond Whig 7/7/1862; advocation for local photographers to photograph the battlefields
Richmond Dispatch 7/31/1862; J. Vannerson adv for “a good ambrotype artist”
Richmond Dispatch 8/5/1862; auction notice for “Daguerrian Wagon”
Richmond Dispatch 8/13/1862; J. Vannerson wants “youth” of character to “attend in a Photographic establishment”
Richmond Dispatch 8/26/1862; Minnis’ photo gallery at #217 Main St., next door to Southern Express Co.
Richmond Dispatch 8/26/1862; Julian Vannerson renews adv for photo assistant
Richmond Dispatch 12/16/1862; J. Vannerson adv for “a good ambrotype artist”
Lowell Daily Courier 3/11/1864; Rees photo of Libby Prison is on display in Lowell, Mass.

Page last updated on 07/10/2008