From the Richmond Dispatch, 11/12/1860, p. 1, c. 6

Drowned. – On Saturday night last, at a late hour, Joseph Hardy, a butcher, who had a stall in the First Market, fell into the Canal near the packet office, and was drowned. Persons in the vicinity were aware that some one was in the water, but were unable to rescue him, owing to the darkness. The body was found yesterday morning, near the 8th street bridge. We have been informed that he had been drinking freely on Saturday night, and the supposition is that he became bewildered after separating from his companions, and thus wandered unconsciously into the neighborhood of the Canal. The Coroner, Dr. Peachy, will hold an inquest to-day, at 12 o’clock, at the residence of Mr. Throckmorton, brother-in-law of the deceased, corner of Clay and Concord streets.

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