Richmond Daily Dispatch, 10/23/1861

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From the Richmond Daily Dispatch, 10/23/1861

Contributions for St. Charles Hospital. - Mr. Isaac W. Walker, Chairman of the Committee, acknowledges the receipt of the following contributions:

From South Carolina Aid and Relief Association, through Ed. Frost, Charleston........$4,000.00
From J. R. Anderson & Co. and employees of the Tredegar Iron Works.........$395.75
From Dr. L. B. Price, Hanover..............50.00
From Mrs. W. W. Griffin, N. C.............36.00
From J. C. Page, Jr., Richmond............20.00
From J. M. Humphries, Richmond.....10.00

Contributions for St. Charles Hospital. - Mr. Isaac W. Walker, Chairman of the Committee, acknowledges the receipt of the following contributions:

From South Carolina Aid and Relief Association, through Ed. Frost, Charleston........$4,000.00
From J. R. Anderson & Co. and employees of the Tredegar Iron Works.........$395.75
From Dr. L. B. Price, Hanover..............50.00
From Mrs. W. W. Griffin, N. C.............36.00
From J. C. Page, Jr., Richmond............20.00
From J. M. Humphries, Richmond.....10.00


Page last updated on 01/15/2008