From the Richmond Dispatch, 11/21/1861, p. 2, c. 3

Shooting. – The Mayor yesterday investigated the case of Hezekiah Robinson, charged with feloniously shooting and killing Charles Tibbets, and wounding Henry C. Wade, prisoners of war. The affair took place on the night of the 8th inst. Robinson, the sentinel, was standing on a hill adjacent to the prison, when the gun was discharged, the ball entering a second story window, and taking effect upon the men above named, who were standing some distance back in the room. Tibbet’s said, before he died, that he believed the shot was accidental, and indeed this is proved, beyond doubt, by all the circumstances. The Mayor discharged Robinson from custody, and requested the officers of the prison to notify the coroner, should any fatal event occur hereafter.

R. H. Loyd, another sentinel, was arraigned to answer a charge of shooting at the prison windows, though it did not appear that any fatal result ensued. The Mayor remanded him, and the matter will go before the Hustings Court in December.


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