From the Richmond Dispatch, 7/23/1861, p. 2, c. 6

Meeting of Citizens for Relief of the Soldiers Wounded in the Late Battle. - At a meeting of citizens yesterday afternoon at the City Hall, Mr. Joseph Mayo took the Chair and Mr. John Graeme was appointed Secretary.

The following preamble and resolutions were introduced with earnest and feeling remarks by the Chairman:

The intelligence from the army of the brilliant victory achieved by the Confederate forces at Manassas over the ruthless enemies of public liberty and constitutional law, is an occasion of devout thanksgiving to Almighty God, and the citizens of Richmond, here assembled, reverently acknowledge His goodness and mercy. They acknowledge, moreover, that it is a patriotic and sacred duty to manifest their grief for the loss of the noble men who fell in the arduous struggle, and for those who were disabled, and to condole with and relieve the sufferers and their families. Therefore,

Resolved, That a committee of citizens be appointed to proceed to Manassas and confer with the commanding Generals in reference to the removal and transportation of such wounded soldiers as can be safely removed.

Resolved, That a committee of citizens be appointed to confer with the citizens of Richmond and vicinity, and ascertain how many wounded soldiers can be moved and comfortably provided for by the families in the city and vicinity; and in aid of that committee the citizens report to the Mayor the number of the wounded that they can respectively provide with comfortable accommodations.

Resolved, That said committee do also provide and fit up at the expense of the city such additional rooms as may be necessary for the comfortable accommodations of the wounded, and that said committee do provide all necessary means for the conveyance of the wounded to the places designated.

Resolved, That a committee be appointed to solicit subscriptions of money for the above purposes.

These resolutions were advocated in enthusiastic terms by Messrs. R. R. Howison, H. K. Ellyson, Jas. A. Scott and others.

Rev. Mr. Michaelbacher fully endorsed the resolutions, and promised for our fellow-citizens of the Jewish persuasion a liberal share in this benevolent work.

Gen. Hamond, of Marion, said that there were a number of loyal citizens here, refugees like himself from the Northwestern portion of the State, who would esteem it a privilege to go as fellow-laborers in the committee of this meeting to Manassas, where they would find among the dead and wounded there many brave men from the same section who had fallen in defence of the rights of Virginia.

The Mayor responded with much enthusiasm to this suggestions, and paid a warm tribute of affectionate admiration to these loyal and devoted gentlemen - alluding in eloquent terms to the sufferings and privations which their fidelity to Virginia had entailed upon them.

The resolutions were unanimously adopted, and the following gentlemen appointed on the several committees.

Committee to Proceed to Manassas. - Jos. Mayo, W. G. Paine, James H. Conway, Blair Burwell, F. W. Roddy, F. W. Hancock, J. B. McCaw, R. R. Howison, L. S. Hall (of Wetzel), Samuel Woods (of Barbour), H. F. Haymond (of Marion), James Neesion (of Marion), R. E. Cowan (of Preston), D. J. Saunders, Thomas Boldeman, G. W. Thomas, V. Bargamin, John Knote (of Wheeling), H. K. Ellyson, D. J. Burr, Thomas U. Dudley, W. Fleischman, H. A. Dudley, Andrew Jinkins, M. Downey, W. W. Snead, Geo. W. Gretter, Thomas L. Johnson, Paulus Powell (of Amherst). This committee will proceed to Manassas in the early train this morning.

Committee to Procure Accommodations. - B. W. Haxall, John D. Harvey, James Blair, A. S. Lee, H. Hancock, Thos. W. McCance, Thos. W. Doswell, W. J. Riddick, P. B. Price, Geo. Watt, Emanuel Straus, M. Downey, Edwin A. Smith, John Gibson, Geo. S. Lownes, Wm. H. Lyons, John H. Knowles, Samuel J. Ruterfoord, C. Crew, H. Spotts, Thos. Vaiden, (Manchester,) John Enders, John L. Tate, F. W. Redford, C. Burnett, R. A. Mayo, Thos. G. Bell, C. Bates, Jos. Allen, John Hatcher, (Manchester,) Geo. S. Palmer, Caleb Jacobs, Thomas Jones, R. O. Haskins, L. Libby, M. Milhiser, Lewis H. Frayser, C. R. Barksdale, Chas. Campbell, Thos. C. Epps, E. Norvell Jones, H. T. Pairo, W. Goddin, Chas. Behle, W. F. Taylor.

The committee will meet in the office of the Insurance Company of Virginia, under the American Hotel, at 9 o'clock this morning. - Persons wishing to take wounded soldiers can report at the above office or at the Sergeant's office, City Hall.

Committee to Solicit Subscriptions of Money. - Isaac W. Walker, Thos. Clemmitt, Geo. W. Smith, J. J. Waggoner, Thomas W Doswell, R. J. Christian, W. W. Timberlake, C. Wendlinger, A. H. Sands, J. W. Lewellen, Wm. H. Hargrove, Thomas Taylor, Jr., Jas. A. Scott.

This committee will meet at the Sheriff's office this morning at 9 o'clock.


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