From the Richmond Dispatch, 8/3/1861, p. 2
Railroad Disaster – Loss of Life. – A most
unfortunate disaster occurred on the Central Railroad, near the Junction, in
Hanover county, on Sunday night last, about 9 o’clock. A train left Richmond
that evening, with a considerable number of soldiers, including the Davies
Rangers, Captain L. H. Fitzhugh, and the Davis Guards, Captain Van Osten, both
from Kentucky. The train proceeded safely on until it reached the point above
mentioned, where, unhappily, a chasm had been made in the road by a heavy rain;
but the darkness of the night prevented the discovery of this fact until too
late to avoid the disaster. The locomotive suddenly plunged into the chasm,
dragging after it the cars, which piled one upon another in a confused mass. A
scene of indescribable terror ensued, which the darkness made still more
appalling. It is miraculous that a large number of the passengers were not
killed outright. As it happened, however, the two companies named above were all
that sustained serious injury. To rescue the sufferers from the debris of cars
and baggage, was a task of much difficulty. One only was killed, and but few
were dangerously wounded. We append a list, furnished by Captain Fitzhugh.
Davis Guards. – John Larkin, immediately killed; Wm. F.
Donaldson, wounded dangerously – head, left arm and left leg broken; [eight
other casualties not transcribed]
Davies Rangers. – [twelve casualties not transcribed]
A dispatch for surgical aid was received the same night at
the St. Charles Hospital, which was responded to as soon as possible by the
departure of Drs. Beale, Hancock, and Mills. The road has been repaired, and the
accident will not interfere with the regular running of the trains. The engine
was not much damaged, though some of the cars were smashed up.
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