From the Richmond Dispatch, 5/20/1861
Incendiarism. - We understand that two attempts were
made to set fire to the Tredegar Foundry on Saturday night. The first time, the
flames were seen issuing from the pattern shop by the members of a volunteer
company, who happened to be drilling on Gamble’s Hill, which overlooks the
works. With their aid the watchmen soon suppressed the fiendish attempt, with
little or no loss. Later in the night, on going his rounds, one of the watchmen
found the establishment had been fired in two places. An early discovery
prevented any damage. The people of the State being interested in the perpetuity
of the Foundry, our citizens will be held justifiable in any measures they may
put in force against scoundrels detected in the ac of effecting its destruction.
One of the “measures” alluded to consists in suspending the offender by a
rope, with his feet at an inconvenient distance from the ground. It will be
carried out.
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