From Richmond Dispatch, 5/21/1861, p. 2
Religious Services in Camp. – We are informed that
on Sunday morning arrangements were made for separating the troops stationed at
Camp Lee into two divisions, for the purpose of holding religious services
simultaneously at two different points on the ground, so that all the men might
be enabled to get within the sound of the voices of the officiating ministers.
It was afterwards determined to have them all together in
one assemblage, and they were collected on the spacious amphitheatre overlooking
the parade grounds. In the morning the sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Hoge, and
in the afternoon by the Rev. Mr. Duncan.
No more orderly, attentive, or serious congregation were
ever collected in Virginia; many of the men seemed deeply affected under the
appeal made to them, and great good must result from such services.
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