From Richmond Dispatch, 5/21/1861, p. 2

Where to find C.S.A. Officers. – The office of the headquarters of the Division stationed in the vicinity of Richmond is at the Custom-House in the office lately occupied by Wm. F. Watson, Esq., with the following officers: Col. John B. McGruder [Magruder], commanding; Lieut. Col. Robert Johnston, Acting Assistant Adjutant General; Lieut. Thornton, of Ordnance; Messrs. Walsh of Lynchburg, Selden of Gloucester, and Stanard of Richmond, Clerks.

Inspector General’s office, Custom-House, up stairs, in the office formerly occupied by the Clerk of the Federal Court, Gen. John B. Baldwin, Inspector; Messrs. B. M. Quarles, P. J. McKenna, J. Caskie Cabell, and W. D. Quarles, Assistants.

The Quartermaster’s Department is at the Custom-House, in the office lately occupied by A. J. Crane, Esq., late United States Attorney. H. H. Selden, Captain; Messrs. Munford, Lipscomb, Wight, and King, Clerks and Assistants.






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