From the Richmond Dispatch, 5/27/1861, p. 2

The Second Regiment N. C. Volunteers. - This splendid Regiment of citizen soldiery - worthy representatives of the chivalry of the Old North State - who have been for a week or two past encamped at Howard's Grove, received marching orders yesterday morning, and in an hour thereafter were on their way to the Petersburg depot, en route for the seat of active operations near Norfolk. We cannot too highly praise the appearance of the departing soldiers. The Regiment is splendidly armed - the men stout, and used to fatigue, and full of a glorious spirit of determined resistance to the tyranny that would fain bring into subjection this fair land of ours. They will worthily represent on the battle-field the Southerner's idea of resistance. The Regiment, all told, numbers about 1,300 men. - They are officered in a way to leave no room to doubt that they will not put in their best licks against the common enemy.

We append a list of staff and company officers:

Colonel, Solomon Williams, late of the U. S. Dragoons in New Mexico; Lieut. Colonel Edward Cantwell, of Raleigh, served in Mexico; Major, Hon. Aug. W. Burton, Senator from Cleveland county; Adjutant, C. A. Durham, of the North Carolina Military Academy; Quartermaster, W. T. Alston; [remainder of officers not transcribed]




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