Richmond Dispatch, 5/4/1861

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From the Richmond Dispatch, 5/4/1861, p. 2

Election of Captain. - The Rev. Francis J. Boggs, who has heretofore held the post of Chaplain of the 1st Regiment Virginia Volunteers, by appointment of Col. P. T. Moore, and who has, since the inauguration of the encampment at the Central Fair Grounds, been officiating with great acceptability as such, was yesterday unanimously chosen Captain of the 2nd Company (H) of Richmond Grays, recently formed in this city - a post which he accepted at the earnest solicitation of its members, and whose duties he immediately proceeded to administer with the same earnest fidelity that marked his conduct in another sphere of usefulness. Company H, No. 2, already, to a very great extent, efficiently uniformed and armed, will soon proffer their services to Governor Letcher. The two companies of Grays comprise within their ranks enough men to form a battalion, which they will, no doubt, proceed to do after the war is ended. The material of which they are respectively composed is of the best sort, and actuated as they are by the purest motives that could dwell in the breast of man, the Grays Nos. 1 and 2 may be relied on for effective service on any field, and especially when they are called upon to expel the invader from our soil, may we look for the display of those manly qualities for which all give them credit.






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