From the Richmond Dispatch, 6/13/1861, p. 2
Violating the Ordinance. - A. J. Ford, proprietor of
a drinking saloon on Cary street, was summoned before the Mayor yesterday, to
show cause why he should not be fined for keeping his house open after ten
o'clock on Tuesday night, contrary to the ordinance made and provided. Mr. Ford
said his establishment had been broken open by a parcel of men who helped
themselves to anything they pleased, and that he was perfectly powerless to do
anything to cause them to desist. They had previously gone to the
"Cyprian's Retreat" establishment, kept by Miss Clara Coleman, near
by, and smashed up all her furniture; and he had learned that they had done
similar naughty tricks in that region the same night. In order to ascertain how
far Ford was to blame, the Mayor continued the case till Saturday morning.
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