Richmond Dispatch, 7/20/1861

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From the Richmond Dispatch, 7/20/1861 , p. 2

The Richmond Zouaves. - Sergeant Telfair Hodgson, of the Richmond Zouaves, lately arrived from the Northwestern portion of the State, where his command is stationed, is now in Richmond . Mr. H., desiring to enlarge his company, has connected recruiting with the other business that brought him to the city, and is now to be seen at Messrss. Hughes, Caldwell & Co.’s, Pearl street , below Main , where he will give all the information that may be desired by those who wish to connect themselves with the Zouaves. All able-bodied men in and out of Richmond are invited to come forward and give in their names. We insert this in our paper from the fact that there are many advantages in this company which it is beyond the power of other companies to offer. It holds the post of honor in its regiment; it is under the command of one of the most able officers in the C. S. A., and it is stationed in a county where health is the only condition of mankind. Ames Springfield musket, of 1858, with spring bayonet, uniforms free, and $23 bounty is given each recruit. The Zouaves are commanded by a graduate of the V. M. I., thoroughly acquainted with his business.

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