From the Richmond Dispatch, 7/2/1861
Hospital at Masons’ Hall, 25th Street,
Church Hill. - This hospital was opened about four weeks ago, when it
received thirty-six sick men from Col. Fannin’s Arkansas Regiment. All of
these except two have recovered and gone to join their comrades, near Aquia
Creek. Numerous other patients from other companies have come and gone, making,
probably, about one hundred who have left the hospital. - About forty are there
Only two deaths have occurred - one of these was Patrick
O’Riley, of the Hampden Artillery, of Richmond, who died in twenty-four hours,
from injuries received on his head by a fall from his horse at Griffin’s
Spring. - The other, Mr. Mears, of Arkansas, died soon after he was brought to
the hospital, from a complication of diseases. Private donations of food,
delicacies and money, are welcome at the hospital.
The people of Church and Union Hills, by their care and
labors for the Tennesseeans at the Hall of Company G, and the Temperance Hall,
have given themselves a lasting title to the esteem and gratitude of those who
received their timely aid, and indeed of all who love our country and its brave
defenders. The contributions of means and personal attendance at the Mason’s
Hall, shows that the charities of this part of the city are not exhausted, in
further proof of which we can state that parties are ready to re-open the
Temperance Hall as a hospital whenever necessary.
Many of the sick soldiers have been also quartered at
private houses among the good people aforesaid, where they have been attended
with the care of near relatives.
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