From the Richmond Dispatch, 7/8/1861, p. 2

Military Books. - The iniquitous and swindling war initiated by Lincoln and his myrmidons against the South, has created an unprecedented demand for books treating on military matters. The booksellers of Richmond have compensated themselves in some measure by their rapid sale for the comparatively small demand for general literature. Messrs. West & Johnston, of 145 Main street , have besides a large collection of military books any quantity of Hardee’s Tactics, Army Regulations C. S. A., Volunteers’ Hand-Books, &cc., which are eagerly sought after, not only by people here, but by those thousands of miles distant. The war fever may be judged by the fact that within the last six months 20,000 copies of the above works have been sold by them. They are now publishing Col. Gilham’s manual for volunteers and militia, and will have 10,000 copies ready by the 20th inst. The work is being done in Charleston S. C., and the style shows that the South had no need ever to have relied on the North to get its printing done. A work on Light Artillery (from Gilham’s) is being also issued by this house, which will prove most convenient for reference to parties engaged in that important arm of the public service.

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