Richmond Dispatch, 10/17/1862

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From the Richmond Dispatch, 10/17/1862, p. 1, c.

Prison Items. – Col. Thos. J. Jordan, of the 9th Pennsylvania cavalry, who was detained from going North on the last flag of truce because charges had been preferred against him by the citizens of Sparta, Tenn., that he allowed his men to commit the most unheard of atrocities on the citizens of that place, was yesterday removed from the Libby prison and put in Castle Thunder, in company with four Yankees belonging to the 1st Maryland cavalry, who are charged with committing a willful murder on an unarmed citizen of the Valley of Virginia. Colonel Jordan was captured at Tompkinsville, Ky., on the 9th of July. Yesterday seventeen deserters were received into the Castle from the South, sent thither by Major Mallett. Among the other inhabitants there is Capt. Arnold Harris, a Yankee. The cage was empty last night, the city police having made no arrests.





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