From the Richmond Dispatch, 10/28/1862, p. 1, c. 4

Mayor's Court—Monday, October 27.—There was the usual number of cases before the Mayor to-day, but none of such special importance as to call for comment. We subjoin a summary:

Pocahontas Kiper and Margaret Parvo, arrested for fighting on Main street Sunday and collecting a large crowd, to the disturbance of the peace, were, in default of ball, sent to prison. The conduct of these women before the Mayor was in marked contrast to their rowdy manifestations during Sunday night, while confined in the lock-up.

Columbia Anderson, a mulatto girl, resident of Manchester, was arraigned for drunkenness, a charge fully proved by the oath of one of Major Griswold's detectives. She was ordered to be whipped, and committed for want of security for her good behavior.

Thomas Turpin, a lad dressed in uniform, was arraigned for stealing $180 from Thomas T. Emmett, in the First Market, last Wednesday. The testimony was sufficient to warrant the Mayor in committing him for examination before a called Court of Hustings, November 1st. It appears that Turpin enjoys some notoriety as "a picker-up of unconsidered trifles," as he stands charged on the Mayor's book with picking Thomas J. Stiff's pocket of $19, about one month since, and was on ball to answer that offence when he embarked in the last speculation recorded above.

Mary A. and Joseph Thomas, who were summoned to Court at the instigation of Bridget McDonough for an alleged assault, were discharged, the complainant not appearing.

Jamison Scott, who required the assistance of two crutches to enable him to get along, was charged with drunkenness and interfering with the marketmen at the First Market. As Scott could give no satisfactory reason for his conduct, he was compelled to subside into the prisoners' box, under the pressure of a demand for $150 bail for his good behavior.

George Needham, who occupies a room in a tenement on Main, between 24th and 25th streets, was charged with keeping "a disorderly and ill governed house" This, interpreted, means that Needham got drunk in his room and made manifestations contrary to law and good manners. He was sent to prison.

Francis McNamara was committed, failing to give bail on the charge of mistaking his wife and children for enemies, and walloping them, accompanied with threats to kill each and all.

Michael Lotts and John Franco had disturbed the quietude of the inhabitants of lower Main street, Sunday, by engaging in a set-to on the pavement, for which they were prin the cage. The Mayor said their conduct on the occasion constituted a findable nuisance. Each of them was mulled in the sum of $15, and held to bail in $150 not to engage in any more fights for one year from date.

John Flinn, a resident of Castle Thunder, was sent up by Captain Alexander for trial, on the charge of stealing $60 and an overcoat from Michael J. Conner, who, one of the witnesses, a North Carolina soldier, testified, was "a dinky old gentleman," having been put in for intoxication. The proof was clear enough that the fellow made way with the funds, and equally clear that he promised, if they would carry him back to the Castle, he would show where he had hid the money. The Mayor saw no reason why Capt. Alexander could not try the case. The prisoner was sent back "unwhipped of justice," and the "dinky old gentleman" left to get his money the best way he could.

The case of Harriet, slave of Banks Ward, hired to Mrs. J. C. Robinson, and who is charged by her mistress with breaking open her trunks and stealing $325 in bank notes, a gold chain, thimble and bracelet, was partially heard and continued until Wednesday. The proof was pretty strong, showing that if the woman did not do the stealing she knew who did.

Ben, slave of R. C. Howe, and Robert, slave of Dr. Pollard, were both whipped for being found in possession of pistols by the police.

John Myers, arrested for lying down in Locust Alley, "insensibly drunk," was committed for further examination, it being believed that his name is not John Myers, and that he is a deserter from the army.




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