Richmond Dispatch, 10/4/1862

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From the Richmond Dispatch, 10/4/1862, p. 2, c. 2

Respited. – We learn that D. W. Rogers, the soldier who was to have been shot to-day at Camp Lee for desertion, has been respited for two weeks, instead of being pardoned, as heretofore stated. It appears that this man, during his connection with the public service, has gone under several different names--one of them being that under which he stands condemned; another Roach, and another Riley. Several gentlemen who saw Rogers recognized in him John Roach, one of the crew of the Virginia, who fought gallantly in her, and was wounded. They thereupon interested themselves in getting Roach a pardon. As Rogers could not personate Roach on the occasion he was detained under the original sentence. No doubt his respite is intended to afford, time to ascertain how much credit he deserves as Jno. Roach.





Page last updated on 02/12/2008