From the Richmond Dispatch, 11/11/1862, p. 2, c. 5EXTENSIVE SALE OF EXCHANGE HOTEL FURNITURE AT AUCTION. – In consequence of the great difficulty in procuring adequate supplies, the undersigned has determined to contract his business, and to confine himself to the management of the Ballard House only. He will therefore sell at public auction, on TUESDAY, the 26th day of November, on the premises, the entire FURNITURE of the Exchange Hotel, including the largest and best assortment of Hotel, Kitchen, Dining Room, Chamber, and Parlor Furniture to be found in the South. Of course the variety is too great to be enumerated in an advertisement. In Kitchen Furniture will be sold two large Steam Boilers, one Steam Engine, and the usual assortment of apparatus to conduct a large hotel business. In Dining-Room Furniture will be sold Extension and Oval Dining Tables, Table Cutlery, Crockery, and Glassware, a large number of Stoves, Pipes, Zinc, &c.; Chairs, Table Linen, &c, &c. In Chamber Furniture will be sold Bureaus, Wardrobes, Hair and Shuck Mattresses; Rosewood, Mahogany, and Walnut Bedsteads, Washstands, &c; Marble-top Tables; Carpets, (many of them mostly new and but little used,) and a great variety of other Chamber Furniture, too tedious to mention. In Parlor Furniture will be sold elegant French-plate Mirrors, fine Carpets, elegant Gas Chandeliers, and a large stock of Gas Fixtures; elegant French China Vases, extra size; Sofas, Divans, Chairs, Rich Curtains, &c, &c. In fact, the entire Furniture of the hotel, in every department, is of the very best and finest description, and the large and unreserved sale of it will offer to hotel and housekeepers an opportunity rarely to be met with. The sale will commence on the morning of the 20th inst., at 10 o’clock, and be continued from day to day until completed. JNO. P. BALLARD. Sale conducted by SUMNER & BURRESS, Auctioneers. no 11 _____ From the Richmond Dispatch, 11/11/1862, p. 2, c. 5By Goddin & Apperson, Auct’s. EXCHANGE HOTEL, in RICHMOND, VA., FOR SALE AT AUCTION. – The undersigned, a committee appointed for the purpose at a meeting of the Stockholders of the Exchange Hotel Company, held on Monday, the 10th day of November, 1862, in pursuance of the directions given by a vote then unanimously adopted, will offer for sale at public auction, on the premises, on MONSAY, the 24th day of November, 1862, beginning at 12 o’clock, that very valuable property known as the Exchange Hotel, in the city of Richmond, State of Virginia. The lot fronts 140 feet on the south line of Franklin street, and runs back about 170 feet on the east line of 14th street, and is surrounded by broad and convenient alleys. The Hotel building is one of the most comfortable and elegant in the Confederate States, having about 140 rooms, embracing saloons, drawing-rooms, dining halls, offices, bed rooms, kitchens, gas, water, and every other arrangement adapted to promote the convenience of guests. If desireable, the vacant lot in the rear will be sold separately. The property is subject to a ground rent of $20.20 per annum, payable quarterly, to be increased by the sum of $30 per annum, likewise payable quarterly after the death of Mrs. Ann Stetson. TERMS. - $20,000 in cash; balance upon a credit of 1, 2, and 3 years, from the day of sale, with interest, payable semi-annually, the purchaser to give negotiable notes for the deferred payments of principal and interest, to be secured by a lien on the property; or cash for the whole purchase money, at the option of the purchaser. HUGH. W. FRY, By order of Stockholders of Exchange Hotel Co.
no 11.
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