From the Richmond Dispatch, 11/15/1862, p. 1, c. 5

Examination before Commissioner Watson.—Several of the negroes implicated in the recent robbery of the Confederate Treasury were yesterday examined before Commissioner Watson. Henry Smith, slave of Mr. J. K. Caskie, who is an intelligent darkey, and upon whom the testimony threw the responsibility of signing the notes, was sent on for trial at the December term of the Confederate District Court. Jim Stewart, slave of H. J. Corbell, of the Richmond House, was released, the evidence not being sufficient to detain him Emanuel and James, slaves of W. W. Crump, Esq., were acquitted, but held as witnesses against Henry Smith. Dick, slave of David Clarke, and in the employment of President Davis, who had access to the Custom-House, and who is said to have filed down the key by which entrance was obtained into the rooms where the blank notes were deposited, and who, together with Oliver, slave of Dr. Sydenham Walke, of Chesterfield, are thought to have done the stealing, are both in jail awaiting an examination before Commissioner Watson. It is probable that the same witnesses who testified against Henry Smith may be availed of in their case, which will probably be heard to-day as its preliminary examination.


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