From the Richmond Dispatch, 11/18/1862, p. 1, c. 5Prison Items. – Forty men will be sent from Castle Thunder this morning under guard to rejoin their regiments. James B. Shook, a deserter for six months from the Fayette Artillery, was sent to prison yesterday. John Haley, a member of Company I, 16th Miss. Reg't, was sent out from the Castle last night, with a soldier armed with a musket, to get his clothes, prior to being sent to his regiment. Getting on Main street, he tripped up the unfortunate son of Mars, who fell sprawling in the street, and rapidly retreated. John F. Roberts, of the 19th Va. Battalion, was received at the prison for trial by Court-Martial. James Lyons, a paroled prisoner, was put in for deserting from Camp Lee. John W. Harris, of Capt. Robertson's Company, was put in on the charge of aiding a prisoner to escape. William B. Fleshman, of Bossieux's Guard, in confinement for a similar offence, was tried yesterday and honorably acquitted.
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