Richmond Dispatch, 11/4/1862

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From the Richmond Dispatch, 11/4/1862, p. 1, c. 4

Stealing Government Wood. – A negro man was yesterday arrested by the pickets of Capt. Wren’s company in the act of stealing a cart-load of Government wood, near the new Fair Grounds. The negro stated he lived with Mr. Yarbro, opposite the old Fair Grounds and that that gentlemen sent him after the wood. He was committed to Castle Thunder to await trial, and the horse and cart placed in charge of Deputy Marshal Myers, who will hold it until claimed by its owner.

The following parties were also arrested by Capt. Wren's company of cavalry, for helping themselves to Government wood without authority, and were brought to Richmond and ledged in Castle Thunder, viz: Peter Alley, Martin Murphy, James Ford, Charles Desler, and John Hineline, whites; and H Johnson a free negro, and John, a slave.




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