From the Richmond Dispatch, 12/13/1862, p. 3, c. 2

Condemned to be Shot. – John Mulligan member of Company D, 5th Va. Cavalry was tried before Court Martial on Thursday for desertion, and condemned to be shot between the hours of 8 and 3 o'clock, at Camp Lee, on Tuesday next. He was convicted for a second desertion. When arrested for the first offence he was restored to his company without harm on condition that he would stay. This humane proceeding was ordered by the late Secretary of War, and by it a number of men were sent from Castle Thunder to the regiments of all of whom a descriptive list was kept, so that they might readily be identified on a second defection.—Mulligan left his company almost as soon as carried back, and was arrested on Main street last Sunday. On Thursday his trial took place, and on the same day his conviction ensued. He will be shot in pursuance of sentence.


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