Richmond Dispatch, 12/18/1862 |
From the Richmond Dispatch, 12/18/1862, p. 2, c. 7TWO HANDSOME VACANT LOTS, on the North side of Marshall, near 23d st., at AUCTION. – We will sell upon the premises on THURSDAY, (THIS DAY,) commencing at 4 ˝ o’clock P. M., two handsome building Lots, located on the North side of Marshall, near 23d street, being a portion of the real estate lately owned by Mrs. Eliza Van Lew. They front 33 feet each and run back 120 ft. to an alley 12 feet wide. TERMS. – One third cash, the balance at 4 and 6 months, for negotiable notes with interest added, and secured by a trust deed. JAS. M. TAYLOR & SON, Auc’s de 18
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