From the Richmond Dispatch, Friday, 12/19/1862, p. 1, c. 5

Child Drowned. – On Wednesday evening a woman named Sarah Fang, who lives at Rocketts, came up town as far as 18th street, and applied at a house on that street for lodgings. She had an infant child in her arms at the time, and was evidently very much under the influence of liquor. She was directed to go home; but after starting, instead of proceeding down Main street, she wandered off towards the Dock, and walking on the edge she soon lost her balance, and herself and the child fell into the water. The splash made by the descending bodies was heard by parties at Castle Thunder, who repaired to the place and succeeded in getting both out alive. The child, however, soon died, despite all attempts at resuscitation. The mother was put in the cage and remained all night. She had not yesterday morning recovered from her drunkenness. Coroner Sanxay, on being informed of the affair, saw the body of the child, but did not deem an inquest necessary.


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