From the Richmond Dispatch, 12/1/1862, p. 1, c. 4

Attempted Garroting of a Merchant. – Yesterday morning about 9 o'clock a daring attempt was made to garrote and rob Mr. Samuel D. Hicks a commission merchant doing business on Shockoe Slip. At the hour named, Mr. Hicks entered his counting room and had approached his iron safe for the purpose of examining it, when two desperados entered and approached him with stealthy tread. One of them, a large fellow, threw his arm around Hicks's neck and attempted to smother his cries by putting his hand over his mouth. The other, a smaller man, was meanwhile engaged in trying to relieve Hicks of his valuables. The latter in his struggles got loose from the large man and struck the smaller one a heavy blow with his right hand on his nose, which caused a flew of blood, and a speedy stampede of the two robbers. The larger one was taken in custody by the armed police, but in going from Cary to Main street by way of 14th, he darted in one of the alleys leading by one of the houses just below Myers's corner, and succeeded including pursuit. Afterwards, the locality was searched by officer Perrin, in company with Mr. Hicks but the rogue succeeded in eluding pursuit. When the officer reached Main street, the smaller one of the garroters was recognized by Mr. Hicks standing on the corner of Main and 14th streets, and officer Perrin took him in custody and carried him to the case. He gave the name of Henry P. Elston. The effect of the lick giving by Hicks was plainly perceivable. One side of Elston's nose was bruised and had evidently been bleeding copiously. A spot of fresh blood was found on his shirt bosom and his pocket handkerchief was saturated with blood.


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