Richmond Dispatch, 12/1/1862

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From the Richmond Dispatch, 12/1/1862, p. 1, c. 4

Acquitted. – Dick, a slave, hired at the Custom House, and Oliver, owned by Mr. Carroll, and employed at the same place, were carried before C. S. Commissioner Watson on Saturday, for examination on the charge of purloining a number of sheets of $20 Treasury notes and signing the same and putting them in circulation as genuine money.--But little testimony as to their guilt, beside their own admissions was produced. Dick said that Oliver had gone into the cellar of the building and filed down a key to fit the lock of the room in which the blank notes were kept. The latter said that Dick had signed the notes, and here was outside proof that the writing on the notes resembled his. The leak in the Treasury, produced by the efforts of these fellows, having been discovered and stopped, the parties were discharged, their respective owners having announced their intention to send them where they could display their talents to more advantage than discrediting the currency of the Confederacy.


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