From the Richmond Dispatch, 12/20/1862, p. 2, c. 3

A New Phase of the Substitute Business. – A man named Michael Rearus was arrested on Wednesday in Jefferson Ward as a suspicious character, by the assistant Provost Marshals Detectives, and lodged in Castle Thunder. He exhibited a very lately issued certificate as a British subject, and claimed his release on that score. The officers, however, having their suspicious aroused, refused to liberate him. Yesterday, Lieut. Parks, of the Letcher Artillery, having occasion to visit the prison, recognized Kearns as a deserter from his company. It appeared that Kearns had on more than one occasion sold himself advantageously as a substitute and ran off after realizing the proceeds. By the means he had accumulated several thousand dollars. His getting a British protection, which it is only presumed he could have done by swearing to a lie was an after thought to save himself from punishment for his swindling.


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