From the Richmond Dispatch, 12/3/1862, p. 1, c. 4Mayor's Court, Tuesday, Dec. 2d –Recorder Jas. K. Caskie presiding — The case of Cyrus, slave of Miles Crenshaw, for stealing one cow from R. G. Morriss, was continued until December 3d. Moses Oppenheimer, for aiding Cyrus to steal the cow, by forging the name of L. Lawson to a note asking payment for the same, had his case also continued until the 3d inst. John W. Wall and Joseph Dickinson were brought up for threatening to shoot Samuel Motley, a free negro. It appeared that the parties entered Motley's restaurant, on 8th street, below the Spots wood House, and called for liquor, which he said he was unable to furnish. They thereupon, hoping to force from him liquor by threats, pulled out their pistols and told him to prepare for death. A policeman appearing meanwhile, the parties were marched off to the cage. The Recorder committed them as disturbers of the peace. Rebecca Williams and Rachael Armistead, two free negroes, were arraigned for fighting together in the street, to the disturbance of the public peace. Each one was ordered 25 lashes. The examination of Michael Sweeny, charged with robbing Patrick Greenan of ten one dollar Confederate Treasury notes, was continued until the 3d December, on account of the absence of witnesses. The case of Madison Griffin, for forging the name of John Griffin, and obtaining $15 from Richard Reins, was postponed until December 10th. The case of James Riley and Patrick Brannon, for unlawfully and violently assaulting and beating Thomas and Sarah Ward, was continued until the 6th of December. James A. Minor, a soldier, from North Carolina, arrested on the charge of forgery was handed ever to Captain Booker, Assistant Provost, Marshal, of the Western District. Thomas W. P. Goodman, a countryman, arrested for stealing Horatio Hobson's horse, was acquitted of that charge, but sent to jail in default of $500 security for his good behavior. Sydney Robinson, slave of Hartley Graham, war sent on to an Examining Court to be held December 8th, for causing the death, by stabbing, in December, 1861, of Bob Napper, slave of Sarah Waddell. Emanuel Olliberg, arrested for exposing his person in the street, was fined one dollar for being drunk, and discharged. Patrick Connally, charged with an assault on Pat Disney and Pat Gilmore, gave ball for his appearance before the Mayor for examination. The alleged assault took place at the house of Bridget Laughton, 17th street, on Sunday. Gabriel, slave of Wm. Redwood, was ordered 39 lashes for having in his possession an overcoat for which he could not satisfactorily account. The case of John. W. Brown and G. W. Hoppell, charged with entering the room of John H. Scribner, adjoining theirs, and stealing several hundred dollars worth of clothing. was continued until the 3d of December. Yesterday Scribner got out a search warrant and found in a room corner of Locust alley and Main street, to which the accused had access, a portion of the stolen ailment. Afterwards, going into the Dixie's Stand restaurant, on 14th, below the west corner of Main street, for refreshments, he encountered a man named Peter King, who had on his person one of the coats stolen by Brown and Hoppell. He seized King, who grew indignant and drew a pistol, but was nevertheless conducted to the cage. On his way down he confessed that Brown and Hoppell had made him a present of the coat claimed by Scribner, King will be brought before the Mayor to-day.
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