From the Richmond Dispatch, 12/8/1862, p. 1, c. 6

Extensive Conflagration. – Ten Houses Burnt – An alarm of fire was given by the bells about 1 o'clock yesterday, caused by the burning of the row (consisting of ten houses) well known in the local annals of the town as Tyler's, at Rocketts. The fire originated in the upper part of the third house, occupied and owned by John Schwartz, a butcher, and from thence (owing to the combustible nature of the materials of which most of them were composed) spread quickly to the roofs of the adjoining tenements, which were soon in a light blaze. The Fire Brigade appeared, and did good service in preventing the spread of the flames beyond Tyler's Row, which, after burning a considerable time, was entirely consumed. The first house of the row was located on the corner of Water and Main streets, and the whole range extended up the street eastwardly several hundred feet. All of the buildings, save the one occupied by Mr. Schwartz, were owned by Hiram W. Tyler-and, we understand, were insured. They probably cost $20,000, and could not now be replaced for twice that sum.--Five of the tenements were occupied by Messrs. Thompson, Schwartz, Kearse, Swett, and Frost. A considerable quantity of household and other property was consumed independent of the houses.--One resident was at Drewry's Bluff at the time the fire broke out, and lost most of his furniture, Considerable distress must necessarily prevail amongst the late occupants of Tyler's Row, from the great difficulty experienced in procuring other dwellings. The absence of the burned dwellings causes the north side of Rocketts Main street to look very bare.


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