Richmond Dispatch, 12/9/1862 |
From the Richmond Dispatch, 12/9/1862, p. 1, c. 3City Council. – The regular monthly meeting of the City Council was held at 4 o'clock yesterday, at the City Hall. Present, Messrs. Saunders, Richardson, Glazebrook, Wynne, Scott Burr, Stokes, Denton, Grattan, Griffin, Epps, and Crutchfield. The petition of John Turpin, for remission of taxes, was granted on the recommendation of the Commissioners of Streets generally. The taxes of the Insurance Company of the State of Virginia were reduced to $1,650, on petition of that Company, owing to its having had in 1861 to pay for a large amount of sugar and coffee confiscated by the "late United States." On the recommendation of the Committee of Finance, the tax on Haxall, Crenshaw &Co., as manufacturers, was reduced to $1,250. The class tax on Wm. G. Crenshaw &Co. was remitted, they having ceased business before the commencement of the present fiscal year. A report was read from A. Snead, Health Officer, and J. Mayo, Mayor, to the effect that the factory in use by the C. S. A., near the corner of Cary and 25th, as a small pox hospital, "is well isolated, and is, perhaps, on that account better suited for a small-pox hospital than almost any building of such capacity within the city." The parties named are enabled to state, after a conference with the C. S. authorities, that said factory will only continue to be used for the purpose indicated "while the necessity for the same shall continue" The report was received. Afterwards the Mayor, on motion of Mr. Wynne, was allowed to make a long verbal addenda to the report, which our limits do not permit us to notice more at length. The Keeper of the Powder Magazine reported that there was in that establishment 798 kegs of powder. The report was received. Bargamin and Hagarty, who state that they are engaged in work for the Post-Office, Treasury, and Ordnance Departments petitioned to be allowed to buy two loads of coke per week from the Gas Works. Laid on the table. A report was read from the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings in which they state that in pursuance of a resolution passed at the last meeting, they have sold, at a price to be agreed on, the settees stored in the Mechanics' Hall to the Government, for the use of the patients at Chimborazo Hospital. On motion of Mr. Wynne it was resolved that the City Engineer be instructed to erect substantial wooden railings across 8th street, where it crosses the canal, under the direction of the Commissioner of Streets for Madison Ward, the cost of the same to be paid out of the appropriation for Madison Ward. On motion of Mr. Grattan, it was resolved that if there shall be more coke at the City Gas Works than is necessary for the supply of the city and the poor of the city, that the Committee on Gas be authorized to sell the surplus at the price of 15 cents per bushel at the yard; but no person is to be allowed to purchase more than one load in two weeks, and preference in to be given to the women supporting themselves by their own labor. On motion of Mr. Wynne, it was resolved that the Superintendent of the Gas Works be directed to have the two gas lamps on 8th street, on the North and South side of the Canal, lit up every night without regard to the weather or moonlight. The Council proceeded to the election of certain city officers. The following were chosen, vis: Messenger of the Council Wm. Jas. Epps; Keeper of the Powder Magazine, Luther R. Reins; Inspector of Coal Carts, &c., John Talman; City Engineer, Washington Gill; Overseer of the City Hands, Robt. H. Higgins; Day Police Officers, R. T. Seal, E. M. Chalkley, Benj. M. Morris, Wm. N. Kelley, A. D. Quarles, M. L. Adares, Walter T. Bibb. Jno. D. Perrin, Caleb Crone John W. Davis, and Washington A. Griffin; Committee on St. John's Burying Ground A. Y. Stokes. W. Holt Richardson, and Wm. Palmer. Night Watch: 1st Lieut, Lewis M. Carter; 2d Lieut, Theo. C. Baptist; 3d Lieut., Augustus R. Cousins Welghmaster of the 2d Market, J. B. Valentine. On motion of Mr. Burr, the Committee on Salt Distribution was authorised to furnish three sacks of salt from the supply received from the State to the Richmond Medical College on the same terms as to others. E. M. Stratton was elected second clerk to the Auditor, vice D. J. Saunders, jr., resigned. [A long debate ensued in reference to this election, all reference to which we are compelled to omit for want of room.] The 10th section of the ordinance for weighing long forage, &c., was so amended as to increase the pay for weighing from 2½ per cent, to 5 per cent. per 100 lbs. On motion of Mr. Hill, resolved, that the Committee on Finance inquire into the expediency of selling the stock owned by the city in the various railroads in this State. A communication was received from the Mayor, calling the attention of the Council to the necessity of a workhouse, which, in his opinion, the peace and good order of the city greatly required at this time. Adjourned.
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