From the Richmond Dispatch, 2/21/1862, p. 2, c. 4City Council. – A called meeting of the City Council was held at 4 o'clock, on yesterday evening, at the City Hall. Present: David J. Saunders, President; James M. Talbot, M. B. Hill, David J. Burr, Peachy R. Grattan, Fleming Griffin, Thomas C. Epps, James H. Scott, George K. Crutchfield, and Thomas H. Wynne. Mr. Scott presented an application, in the name of John H. Greanor, for the allowance of the ten per cent (amounting to $38.08) in his tax bill of 1861 – said party having been absent from the city in the military service of the Confederate States at the time when it was paid. On his motion, it was refunded to the said Greanor. The President laid before the Council the following communications, as the basis of the call for the meeting of the Council, which were read:
HEADQUARTERS TREDEGAR BATTALION, Joseph Mayo, Esq., Mayor of Richmond Sir: - In view of the danger that threatens our city, and with a desire to make my battalion as efficient as possible, I have determined to apply to the City Council for aid, and request that you will have the enclosed communication brought before them at the earliest moment. With high respect, your ob’t serv’t, R. J. ARCHER, _____ To David J. Sanders, Esq., President of the City Council Dear Sir, Concurring fully with Major Archer, that the city is in danger of an early attack from our enemies, I earnestly commend to the early consideration of the Council the enclosed proposition from him, and which he sent to me this morning. It is, in my opinion, no longer a matter of doubt that Lincoln’s forces contemplate an attack upon this city at no distant day, and that every means should at once be taken to meet it. Very respectfully, your ob’t ser’vt, JOSEPH MAYO. _____
RICHMOND, Feb. 19, 1862 To the President of the Council of the City of Richmond – SIR: The Tredegar Battalion was organized some 10 months since, and is composed of four infantry companies, the strength of which is at present, rank and file, about 300 men. These companies are partly uniformed, and armed with good percussion muskets, and have been drilled once a week. I propose to add to my battalion a company of heavy siege artillery, 100 men strong, armed with a battery of two 24-pounder rifled siege guns and two 8-inch siege howitzers, with the necessary mules and harnesses. Messrs. J. R. Anderson & Co. have placed at my disposal twenty four mules and four horses to be used on any sudden emergency, and I confidently expected that I should have procured the battery and harness from the Confederate States Government but the Secretary of War having declined to furnish it, I am induced to throw myself upon the liberality of the Council and ask an appropriation to carry out an enterprise which all must concede to be of paramount importance. The amount of appropriation required to complete the equipment of my battalion will be, for two 24-pounder siege guns, with cartridges, and 8-inch siege howitzers, $4,500; artillery harness for twenty-four mules, $2,000; two hundred uniforms for new company and recruits, $3,000; four hundred and fifty overcoats, $7,000 – making in all $16,500. The ammunition, I presume, would be furnished by the Confederate Government, and the ammunition wagons, harness, and horses, could be obtained from private sources. As the battalion is composed chiefly of operatives engaged at the Tredegar Works, on munitions of war, who cannot go into the field, it is strictly an organization for local defence. I have the honor to be, your most obedient servant, R. S. Archer, Mr. Scott moved that Major Archer and Mayor Mayo be permitted to address the Council on the subject of the communication, which was carried. Major Archer said that the operatives at the Tredegar Works had agreed to make the guns spoken of on Sundays and of nights, and work on them until completed. On motion of Mr. Scott, the communication of the Mayor and Major Archer were referred to the Committee on Defense, with authority, if deemed expedient, to purchase the guns and harness, and report in regard to the other matters therein contained. On motion of Mr. Hall, Mr. Scott was added to the Committee on City Defences. A communication was read from Charles G. Talbot, Secretary, transmitting a resolution of the Railroad Convention tendering its thanks to the Council of the city of Richmond for use of its hall. On motion of Mr. Scott, the Council adjourned.
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