From the Richmond Dispatch, 3/10/1862, p. 2, c. 3

Arrests by the Provost Marshal’s Force. – Among the parties committed to McDaniel’s jail on Saturday was James Mandville, of Delaware. It appears that this party had frequently been in the habit of coming into Virginia on some business, the nature of which was unknown. He last crossed the Potomac on the 2d of March, and was taken in custody in Fredericksburg and brought to this city by an officer.

A female prisoner, in the person of Miss Ann E. Scott, of Leesburg, Va., was also brought down and lodged in prison on Saturday. Her arrest was ordered by Gen. Hill. – She claims to be a native of this State.

A number of persons not soldiers spent Saturday night in “Castle Godwin,” for being partly in uniform, without being able to furnish a reasonable excuse therefor.

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