Richmond Dispatch, 4/26/1862 |
From the Richmond Dispatch, 4/26/1862, p. 2, c. 3Released on Taking the Oath. – Charles Miller, a German, arrested a few days since on the charges of disloyalty, was released yesterday from Castle Godwin, by order of Gen. Winder, on taking the oath of allegiance. The fellow has a wife who is a perfect singe cat, and it is no doubt to her determined and vexatious persistence that Miller owes his liberty. By personally being present on several occasions, we know that she was in the habit of importuning Captain Alexander, Assistant Provost Marshal, for his release on an average about half a dozen times a day. She did this on the ground that Miller was a natural born fool, and had not improved much by age. An evidence of his want of lucidity is found in the fact that he declared that he would see the Southern Confederacy in a very hot place before he would fight for it, and that when the notorious “Col. De Villiers” broke his parole here, and left Richmond, he furnished him with a great coat to aid him in his flight. It is claimed by those who ought to know, that Miller is a “red-hot abolitionist.” Perhaps his red republican socialistic ideas may incline him that way. At any rate, it would appear that he does not have a very good idea of his duties as a citizen of this great and desireable Confederacy.
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