From the Richmond Dispatch, 4/5/1862, p. 2, c. 2

The Condemned Spies. – For reasons satisfactory to ourselves, the principal one being the fact that the authorities were averse to any publicity being given to the affair, we have refrained for several days past from mentioning that two men, Pryce Lewis and John Scully, had been tried before the Court Martial now sitting at the City Hall, and condemned to be hung as spies. The execution was to have taken place yesterday at 11 o’clock, at the New Fair Grounds, the gallows having been erected there, and all needful preparation made for carrying into effect the sentence of the court. The execution has been postponed for a short time on a respite granted the parties by the President, but we are assured will come off at an early day. – Lewis and Scully, after conviction, made protestations of fidelity to the British Consul as subjects of Queen Victoria, but the assumption of citizenship was disregarded by the official in question. It is intimated, and we believe on good authority, too, that the condemned have made disclosures affecting the fidelity of several persons, one or more of whom have been apprehended. Rumor had it yesterday that one of the parties thus implicated was an officer holding a place under the Government. If rumor speaks the truth, he will find himself, no doubt, in an uncomfortably hot place.

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