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Richmond Dispatch, 5/16/1862 |
From the Richmond Dispatch, 5/16/1862, p. 3, c. 2City Defence Meeting. At 5 o’clock last evening, in response to the annexed Proclamation of the Governor of Virginia, a large meeting of the citizens of Richmond and others convened at the City Hall, to organize a force to co-operate with such force as has been, or may hereafter be, detailed to perfect our river defences: BY THE GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA – A PROCLAMATION. The General Assembly of this Commonwealth having resolved that “the Capital of the State shall be defended to the last extremity, if such defence is in accordance with the views of the President of the Confederate States, and having declared that whatever destruction and loss of property of the State or individual shall thereby result will be cheerfully submitted to;” and this action being warmly approved and seconded by the Executive; Therefore, I do hereby request all officers who are out of service, from any cause, and all others who may be willing to unite in defending the Capital of this State, to assemble this evening at the City Hall, at five o’clock, and proceed forthwith to organize a force to co-operate with the Tredegar Battalion, and any other force which may be detailed for the purpose indicated. The organization, upon being reported to the Executive, will be recognized and properly officered, as prescribed by law, and be subject to the orders of the Governor for local defence, under regulations to be hereafter prescribed. Prompt and efficient action is absolutely necessary. We have a gallant army in the field, upon whom we fully and confidently rely; but no effort should be spared which can contribute to the noble object. The Capital of Virginia must not be surrendered. Virginians must rally to the rescue. Diven under my hand under the Seal of the Commonwealth, at Richmond, this 15th day of May, 1862, and in the eighty-sixth year of the Commonwealth. JOHN LETCHER. By the Governor: GEO. W.
MUNFORD, The meeting was organized by the appointment of Captain J. B. Danforth as Chairman, and Wm. P. Munford as Secretary. At the request of the meeting, the Rev. Dr. Woodbridge offered a fervent prayer Col. Thomas H. Ellis then read the proclamation of the Governor, and submitted a series of resolutions, which were slightly modified and adopted: [The resolutions adopted by the meeting, some ten or twelve in number, were promised us by the Secretary of the meeting, but we failed to receive them from that source, and our efforts to obtain them from the other newspapers, who were more fortunate, if not more favored, were quite as unsuccessful.] Mr. Joseph Mayo, the Mayor of city, then stated that the City Council had adopted resolutions requesting the Governor to place the Tredegar Battalion at his disposal for the defence of the city. He endorsed in the most enthusiastic manner the proposed action of the meeting the proposed action of the meeting, and said that if the city of Richmond was ever surrendered to our enemies it should not be by a descendant of its founder. He would sooner die than surrender our city, and if they wished a Mayor who would surrender the city they must elect another in his place. Gov. Letcher was then called on, and heartily approved the objects of the meeting. He said that the city should never be surrendered by the President, by the Mayor, or by himself. The following committee was appointed by the Chairman: Col. St. George Roger, of Florida; Lieut. Col. Wm. Munford, Col. R. M. Nimmo, Peyton Johnston, Wm. G. Paine, Lieut. C. O. Lamotte, of South Carolina. The committee was requested to meet at the City Hall, at 9 o’clock to-morrow morning, for the purpose of receiving the names of all persons who were disposed to unite under the organization recommended by the proclamation of the Governor. The meeting then adjourned.
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