From the Richmond Dispatch, 6/26/1862, p. 2, c.

June 21st, 1862.

TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. – At a meeting of the officers stationed at Battery No. 8, Richmond Defences, held Saturday, June 21, 1862, on the occasion of the death of Capt. E. F. BOWYER, of the Botetourt Artillery, the following proceedings were had:

On motion, Capt. DeLagnel, Commandant of the post, was called to the chair, and a committee of four officers, consisting of Capt. R. C. Jones, Asst. Surgeon W.G. Carter, Lieuts. A. Austin Smith and E. J. Jackson, to which was added the Chairman, were appointed to prepare resolutions expressive of the feeling of the meeting; whereupon the following resolutions were reported and unanimously adopted:

Whereas, death has entered into our midst, and, by an inscrutable act of Providence, our brother-officer and friend, Capt. E. F. BOWYER, of the Botetourt Artillery, has been suddenly stricken down; while we bow in humble submission to the heavy blow which has thus fallen upon us, we desire to offer our tribute of esteem for the deceased, and heartfelt condolence to his family in the great loss and affliction they have sustained: Therefore,

1. Resolved, That in the death of Captain E. F. BOWYER we mourn the loss of an accomplished officer, gentleman, and friend, who, by his uniform kindness and courtesy, won the warm regard of all who have been associated with him, and that his company and country, in this the hour of trial, have been deprived of the services of a faithful and true officer, who fully discharged all the duties of his position.

2. Resolved, That in token of regard for the deceased, the officers of the post will wear, for the space of thirty days, the usual badge of mourning.

3. Resolved, That these proceedings be forwarded to the family of the deceased, and be published in the newspapers of Richmond and Fincastle, Va.

CAPT. J. DeLAGNEL, Chairman.


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